What It’s Like to Work Out in Virtual & Mixed Reality

Virtual and mixed reality have emerged as game changers in the world of fitness, transforming workouts into an exhilarating and interactive challenge. Virtual reality or VR is the use of computer technology to create a digitally simulated environment. Mixed reality or MR offers a blend of the virtual and real world so you can engage with both physical and digital surroundings. Together, VR and MR open the door to a whole new way to work out. 

But if you’ve never exercised with a headset on before you might be wondering: what’s it like to work out in virtual and mixed reality?! Join us as we explore the multifaceted experience of a VR and MR workout – from the adrenaline-pumping excitement of gamified exercises to the personalized, judgment-free zones that encourage every move. Here's why we love working out in mixed reality: 

  1. It Feels Like a Game

Virtual and mixed-reality workouts like Litesport make working out feel like you’re playing a game. You can get so caught up in the experience — squatting under oncoming obstacles or hitting the virtual Liteshield on time with the beat — that you forget you’re even working out. This is especially the case in Premium as you box, squat, or slam the battle rope to your favorite tracks or artists. And thanks to our rotating list of 150+ Punch Tracks and 1,000+ workouts in Premium, it’s easy to find a workout or class with your favorite music genre. 

Not only that but research shows that it’s not only more fun to work out to your favorite music, it’s also more effective. In one study, researchers found that VR workouts improved participants’ cardiovascular fitness, body composition, muscle strength, and more. That’s likely because, as another study found, VR fitness makes exercise more fun. When you’re having fun you’re more likely to push harder, go for longer, and underestimate exactly how hard you’re working. This is how a 30-minute workout can feel like 10 minutes! 

2. It’s a Judgement-Free Zone 

Unlike the gym where mirrors and other gym-goers surround you, VR fitness invites you into a judgment-free space where you can show up as you are, work out how you like, and move at your fitness level without feeling like people are watching or judging you. That’s not to say that all gyms are unwelcoming spaces, but for someone new to fitness or just getting back into a routine it can feel intimidating stepping into a weight room or busy gym floor. In VR and MR, it’s your workout, your space, and your time. You can box your heart out one day or go easy the next. You can skip out on the squats if you’re not feeling up for it or press play on a beginner-level workout without anyone else looking in. With a headset on, you can also skip some internal judgment. You can’t see what your body looks like during a workout — you’re just moving and having fun. So if your boxing skills or strength are a work in progress, there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. 

3. It’s Intense but Approachable

The beauty of virtual and mixed-reality fitness is that you have plenty of options to choose from. Not only can you choose the fitness level you want — from beginner to expert level — but you can also pick your preferred music genre, trainer, and workout length. This level of customization makes it easy to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout depending on what you’re looking for. On top of that, in trainer-led workouts, your coach is right there with you guiding you through every movement, punch, and rep. So you’re never really on your own in a workout, and you always know what’s next, where you’re headed, and how to perform the exercise. 

4. You Can Easily “Get in the Zone”

Although you’re working out from home, VR and MR fitness experiences are very different from your typical home workout. Physically putting on a headset helps separate you from the real world and all your real-world responsibilities, like the dishes in the sink or the bills on the kitchen table. You’re transporting yourself to a new environment. Even with augmented reality where you can see your real-world surroundings, you’re able to be in your space while minimizing distractions. With a headset on, you’re less likely to watch the clock, pick up your phone and get sidetracked by a text, or notice that the carpet needs vacuuming. Unlike other home workouts, VR and MR can help you press pause, take a break from the real world, and focus on your workout. 

5. You Can Use Real-World Equipment

Mixed reality opens up a whole new world of possibilities compared to virtual reality (VR). Instead of just interacting with a virtual world, you can now interact (safely) with your real-world environment. Normally, using real-world dumbbells with a virtual reality headset would be dangerous. But with augmented reality or passthrough mode, you can view your real-world surroundings without ever taking off your headset. This makes workouts like strength training with dumbbells possible with a headset on, so you can build strength alongside cardio. 

6. It’s Competitive (If You Want It to Be!)

Thanks to real-time results, performance tracking, head-to-head Matches, and an engaging community, it’s easy to turn up the competitive dial with virtual and mixed-reality fitness like Litesport. If you’re motivated by a challenge, this is a major pro. Whether your goal is to lift heavier weights, punch harder, build endurance, or just have fun, these performance trends and real-time results are critical because they help you track your progress over time. Plus it’s motivating to beat your high score, level up in a workout, or increase your rep count in a strength exercise. This is the power of gamification, it keeps you coming back for more. This also makes it easy to stick with a regular workout routine! 

VR and MR fitness is a seriously fun (and effective!) way to workout and get your body moving. But don’t just take our word for it! Get started today with a 7-day free trial and experience how game-changing fitness can be in mixed reality. 


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