Which Litesport Personality Are You?

Welcome to Litesport, where we celebrate every fitness journey, no matter where you're starting from. Whether you're a boxing pro, fitness first-timer, or VR gamer, we have something special for each one of you. Which Litesport personality are you? Read on to find out as we offer guidance and tips to match your unique tastes, background, and workout personality:

The Boxing Pro

Whether you’re an OG Litesporter who’s been with us since the beginning or you’ve just started your Premium membership, you’re here for the boxing workouts. You understand that boxing has a ton of benefits for your mind and body—not to mention that amazing feeling you get from landing a good punch. Perhaps you have some boxing experience but you turn to Litesport as a way to build boxing into your at-home workout routine. You’re one of the first to press play on a boxing trainer-led class or throw on the gloves for a Mitt Drill workout. And your favorite classes are the ones that teach you a new combo or help improve your form. 

Here’s what we know you’ll love on Litesport:

  • Trainer Classes: These trainer-guided sessions are meant for you! In these classes, you can improve your form, enhance your boxing technique, and get expert instruction and motivation.

  • FOCUS class series: Our FOCUS classes are all about improving your boxing form by developing one fundamental boxing skill per class. In other words, they help you level up your boxing. 

  • Mitt Drills: Pad or focus mitt training is crucial for any boxer-in-training. But you don’t need to go to a boxing gym to get in some practice. Mitt Drill workouts mimic this training style right from the comfort of your own home.

The Fitness Enthusiast

Passionate, disciplined, and driven, your life revolves around the pursuit of physical excellence. There’s something exhilarating about a challenging workout or a just-out-of-reach fitness goal. And nothing will get in your way of achieving them. Always up for a new fitness adventure, you’ve dabbled in all kinds of physical activities like running, boxing, yoga, and cycling. And you’re always on the hunt for the latest fitness trend. This is how virtual reality fitness on Litesport popped up on your radar, and you’re eager to not only give it a try but to be the very best. 

Here’s what we know you’ll love on Litesport:

  • Leaderboards: Nothing motivates you more than a challenge, and Leaderboards offer that perfect dose of competition. At the end of each Punch Track, you can see how your score compares to other Litesport athletes. Beat your personal best and climb your way to the top of the Leaderboard. 

  • Matches: We know you love competition, and not just against your PR. With Litesport Matches, you can challenge other Litesport community members to a head-to-head battle. 

  • Boxing, Strength Training, and Total Body: As a fitness enthusiast, you love variety in your workouts. Litesport not only offers strength training, cardio, and boxing workouts but we’re always launching brand-new classes. This means you’ll never get bored. 

The Music Lover

With an insatiable appetite for melodies and harmonies, music is the soulful tapestry that colors your life. You’re immersed in a constant quest for new sounds—exploring unfamiliar artists, attending concerts, and spending hours curating the perfect playlist for every mood. Your playlists span a myriad of genres from classic hits that transport you to another era to hip-hop tracks with their pulsating beats and lyrical prowess. And if you’re going to work out, you want to have access to this kind of variety. Because what’s a workout without good music?

Here’s what we know you’ll love about Litesport Premium:

  • Punch Tracks: Music is the heartbeat of the Litesport Premium experience and it’s our Punch Tracks that power the beat with an ever-growing library of music’s biggest hits. You won’t find boring production music in Premium. Our exclusive partnership with Universal Music Group gives you access to the largest music selection. 

  • Playlists: You’ve got diverse and eclectic tastes, and you deserve a workout app that reflects that. With Litesport Playlists you can add, remove, reorder, and save all of your favorite workouts (and music!) in one place.

  • Themed Trainer Classes: We’re constantly coming out with new Trainer classes on the app. And we don’t shy away from embracing a theme. In the past, we’ve launched classes with music dedicated to Pride, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, VMA and Grammy-nominated artists, and more. We also offer artist features (such as Lil Wayne!) with classes dedicated to one artist. 

The VR Gamer

When Meta launched their first Oculus VR headset for consumers in 2016, you were one of the first in line. With your VR headset donned, you’re an unstoppable force—traversing vast landscapes, vanquishing formidable foes, and solving intricate puzzles with unmatched precision. You’re a fearless explorer of the digital frontier. But let’s face it, fitness isn’t exactly your thing. You turned to Litesport because you want a workout that feels less like a workout and more like a game. And that’s what we’re all about. By combining lights, music, and programming we’ve created an immersive experience that just so happens to leave you sweating. 

Here’s what we know you’ll love on Litesport:

  • Performance Dashboard: As a gamer, we know you’re incredibly competitive. After each workout, you can track metrics like force, timing, and accuracy. And after Strength workouts, you can view muscles worked on our unique and interactive muscle map. You can also head to your profile to check your performance dashboard for all your latest stats. 

  • Total Body: Our Total Body workouts introduce a wide range of immersive VR elements and challenges that would excite any VR gamer. Expect speed bag work, battle rope slams, ducking under obstacles, and more.

  • Playlists: Customization is key to a great gaming experience. And with Litesport Playlists you can add, remove, reorder, and save all of your favorite workouts in one place. 

The Gains Guru

You have an interest in building muscle and crafting a toned physique. Armed with a passion for anatomy and exercise science, you approach each workout with a well-thought-out plan, targeting different muscle groups with precision and intensity. You delight in the physical and mental challenges that come with lifting weights, celebrating every milestone and personal record with an unwavering determination to become stronger. Your motto is that if there isn’t a dumbbell involved, you don’t want anything to do with it. This is why it wasn’t until we launched Strength that you decided to give us a try. (And maybe since then, you’ve branched out into some cardio…but let’s not get crazy!)

Here’s what we know you’ll love on Litesport:

  • At-home accessibility: We know that the iron paradise of the gym is where you feel the most comfortable. But sometimes you need an at-home option and that’s where Litesport comes in. From the comfort of your own home, you can get in a quick yet effective workout.

  • Strength: This VR dumbbell-based workout is right up your alley. In these workouts, our certified trainers guide you through tried-and-true strength training exercises, incorporating real dumbbells and weights. 

  • Muscle Map: As a Gains Guru we know you love to track your progress! After you finish your Strength workout, we share your total calories burned, muscles worked, weight lifted, reps completed, and more. And when you complete five sets of an exercise for a specific muscle, it’ll glow at 100% on your muscle map. This will slowly fade to 0% over the next five days so you can monitor what muscles you need to focus on. 

The First Timer

You’re a determined newcomer to the world of fitness with a curiosity to embrace a healthier lifestyle. You’re ready to embark on a journey of self-improvement but you’re filled with a mix of equal parts excitement and apprehension—especially when it comes to virtual reality. You’ve heard a lot about VR, but this is your first venture into the world of virtual fitness. We know you’re eager to learn, grow stronger, and gain confidence, and that’s all that matters. 

Here’s what we know you’ll love on Litesport:

  • Beginner-level classes: Litesport workouts offer different levels of fitness from beginner to intermediate to advanced. Beginner-level classes offer a slower pace and more instruction so you can build up your skills without feeling like you’re diving into the deep end. 

  • FOCUS class series: Our FOCUS classes are perfect for all levels of fitness, but especially beginners. Providing a dedicated space to practice your boxing technique makes it easier for you to zero in on the skills that need sharpening. 

  • Punch Tracks: These one-song workouts are the perfect entry to Litesport. Not only is boxing to the beat fun, but it gives you a good sense of how Litesport works so you can feel more confident tackling longer workouts. 

No matter which Litesport personality you are, we’re ready to embark on this immersive fitness journey together with you! Download Litesport on Meta and get started with our 7-day free trial. 


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